Analytical intelligence, better decisionsTM

Software Used

Optsim uses the ARENA general purpose modelling language to undertake simulation modelling studies. ARENA started as SIMAN and is now a product of Rockwell Automation. It is well established as a leader in the discrete event simulation modelling field (refer to Appendix A – Article on the widespread use of ARENA).

Our team have developed a suite of over 11 ARENA model add-ons to make model development faster, more accurate and quicker to perform multiple scenarios, using VBA, DLL’s and ARENA Module Code. This has the benefit of ensuring projects are completed on time and reduces overall project time significantly.

The OptQuest add-on to ARENA, allows the modeller to run multiple scenarios with a view of finding a scenario or set of operating conditions that optimises an output statistic. In addition, Optsim has developed a Linear/Integer Programming DLL add-on to make optimised decisions within the simulation, such as the choice of stockpiles to produce a blend within tolerances.

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