Analytical intelligence, better decisionsTM


Scheduling is an art! Many schedulers spend a lifetime developing an understanding of their operation so they can create reliable schedules. However, sometimes when building a schedule there are too many constraints involved for the human mind to factor.

At OPTSIM, we create Automated Scheduling Programs based on optimisation techniques that enable you to quickly develop schedules incorporating all relevant constraints.

The use of optimisation techniques such as Integer Programming is ideal for many scheduling tasks. In most cases integer programming is used to assign a 0 or 1 to a variable. The significance is that variables can be setup to ask questions such as: is a particular resource to be allocated to a particular task at a particular time? The answer is no or yes, i.e. 0 or 1.


Recent advances in Integer Programming have created increased calculation speeds and this technique is practical for large applications. Some applications are:

  • Arline Crew Scheduling
  • Vehicle Scheduling
  • Maintenance Scheduling
  • Football Fixturing
  • Train Timetabling
  • Staff Scheduling

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